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About Us

Hi!  I’m Mandy!


Sugar & Candy has been my baby since before I had babies, and it has seen many different evolutions.  I started out making handbags in textiles, then moved to handbags in leather, and now I mostly just focus on my family, and sewing a handmade wardrobe for myself (more on that subject here).


As a fresh young 21 year old, I packed up all my earthly goods in some hockey bags and moved from Ottawa to Vancouver almost immediately after successfully completing my undergrad degree at University of Ottawa in Communications.  One of the best decisions I ever made for myself.


I now live in the beauty of  Vancouver Island, with my husband and 2 sons.  This is my little spot to share what I make, what I’m doing, and adventures in striving for a fully handmade wardrobe!


When I’m not sewing, or volunteering at my kids’ school, I’m working with my niece in Australia doing online marketing and graphics, social media and event marketing over at Mill Street Creative.  We specialize in helping small businesses build, or renew their online presence, and provide social marketing to bolster branding and spread information on what they do.


Thanks for stopping by, don’t hesitate to connect with me anytime!


xo Mandy


PS.  In case you're curious, the name Sugar & Candy comes from a cute nickname my Mom gave me when I was young, and it stuck: Mandy Pandy Sugar and Candy  :)




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