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Phoenix Blouse (aka Bohemian Rhapsody)



Spring is here...oh wait a second, no - no it's actually +25C and apparently it's summer. I feel like we skipped right over spring. I ain't complaining though!

When Adrianna emailed the tester group with this gorgeous new pattern, my fat fingers couldn't hit the reply button fast enough with a (insert expletive) YES! I'M IN!

I did up a really quick muslin, in fabric that was stiff as a board. Super attractive. It wasn't at all what I knew I'd use for my final but I got a bunch of it for free, and it's fabulous for assessing fit. Right out of the gates the fit was pretty decent! But as Adrianna and a couple other testers pointed out, it might be worth it to try an FBA and see whether the yoke fell a little more along my curves. So I used a tutorial that was suggested (from Sewaholic), and it worked like a hot damn.

I forged ahead and cut into my 'good' fabric (it's called Ranchero Denim Rayon Chambray - bought from LA Finch last summer), and it turned out pretty much exactly how I wanted it to. I added a cotton lace trim overtop of the yoke (I prewashed and dried the trim in a mesh bag just in case...I did NOT want it to shrink after sewing) and while I really like it, I have to admit it isn't as perfectly sewn as I wish it was. Let's just pretend the imperfections add to its bohemian appeal, k?

I did a View B, shirt length in size 6, with a 0.75" FBA. This pattern comes together surprisingly quickly, and as usual, Adrianna included lots of a great little techniques that I had never used before (I love patterns that teach me new things!).

This pattern is SO me. It's boho, without being too hippy, it has lots of great options, and is a gorgeous starting point for so many different opportunities to personalize your shirt. I love it, and am so grateful to Adrianna for asking me to test again! Speaking of testing - check out all the other testers' versions here - they're all so incredible!! I am flattered to be counted among these talented ladies.

Hope you enjoyed my latest make, if you check my insta, there will be definitely be more Phoenix Blouses popping up over the summer (including a pretty ivory one in rayon linen with 💗pink 💗 trim!!).

xo Mandy

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