Hi! February's #SewMyStyle project was the Saunio Cardigan, by Named Clothing. I will be honest and say this is not a pattern I would have chosen myself to purchase and sew - although I like cardigans, this one didn't seem like it was really my style. However, I'm doing this sew-along every month in an effort to push myself out of my comfort zone with both skill and style, so in a sense, it was perfect for me.
As an aside, can I just say, white (or off-white-ish in this case) is hard to photograph without it looking over-exposed...I have so much to learn. And yes, that's our grey wall. Again. My hope is to get outdoors and try this tripod selfie thing with some more visually interesting backdrops soon.

I made my Saunio out of some mystery dotted, textured knit fabric that was stable. I wanted to try and replicate the image on the front of pattern. I think it turned out pretty well, and actually can be used in a variety of ways (dressed up and down).

This pattern was easy to follow, easy to sew, but with very nice finishing details. After all of the other lovely versions I've seen posted on Instagram, I am anxious to try this with a drapier knit!

So that's it! Next month's project are the Virginia Leggings by Megan Nielsen, which I'm really curious about. I have a legging pattern that is tried and true for me, so I am eager to check this pattern out and compare the two. In March I am also going to be working on my Lonetree Jacket designed by Allie Olsen.
Thanks for following along!